Firstly I have a confession to make, as much as I’d love this amazing handbag to be mine it’s not (yet). I went to London with my aunty for a little wander and some lunch and I couldn’t help but nick her bag and include it in some outfit pictures. I’m not going to lie I felt very ‘city’ with it, if ‘city’ can be used to describe one’s look. This American Apparel crop top has literally been one of my favourites of the month and if I were to do my August favourites it would surely be included. Besides the fact it reminds me of a grey version of something that would be found in the ballet kit of my four year old self, this top has been the perfect piece to throw on for an effortless look. Paired with white jeans and heels, it creates the perfect drinks outfit, and with ripped jeans, trainers and a bomber it gives a way more casual look. I just love it! Oh and sorry for the little sunglasses switch-a-roo, blame my indecisive self!
Let me know what you wardrobe favourite has been this August below and make sure to follow if you enjoyed this post!